A-level Study Strategy

The same study methods are posted by repeatedly by everyone. One thing they aren't sharing is study strategy. This is the smartest way to approach your studying.
  1. Examiners reports
  2. Exam content/question weighting 
  3. Specification for possible maths questions
  4. Content package from specification


1. Examiners reports

These are findings on how students of that cohort did during that exam. Its especially useful as examiners sit together and point out patterns of students thinking and also common misconceptions. These can be found for every past paper and exam board, and is usually found on the specification website where the past papers are

2. Exam content/question weighting

The different exams of a subject do not have the same styles of questions and are awarded marks for different things.


For example, in A-level Chemistry has 3 papers, the styles of questions and what you're being marked for are different for the papers. 

3. Specification for possible maths questions

Doing past papers for any subject to get a feel of how questions are asked, is a good idea! However, don't think that just because you've done all the past papers, that only the maths you've seen in the past papers will come up in them. For example, doing all biology past papers and writing down all the maths questions they've written like dilutions and graphs. 

To check ALL the possible maths that they could potentially put in, go to the maths section of your specification. 

4. Content package from specification

Your specification will give out helpful pdfs. For example, how much detail to write for a 'explain' type question, or a 'describe' type question. 

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